Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Digital Love

                Before taking Art101, aside from using paint, I’d never even attempted digital art in my life. I didn’t even know Photoshop or Illustrator existed, yet alone, how they worked. Now that I was exposed to it, it’s actually really cool. There are so many steps and processes to it, just like regular painting or drawing, they’re just slightly different. I also learned that you have to be EXTREMELY organized when doing a website or video because if your images or videos are moved from folder to folder, you might have to start over completely. So this class has really helped with my organizational skills and improved them greatly.

                Since my major is Graphic Design, I do have to continue to make digital art, but the thought of it definitely isn’t as scary as it was at the beginning of the semester. I’ve learned so much in the past few months and I’m grateful for the giant pile of notes I took. So far, my favorite program is Illustrator. I’ve used it several times this semester and I’ve memorized the key commands and different tools and I feel like it so much better than Photoshop. I absolutely LOVED making the digital watercolor and I’m probably going to experiment with that more over winter break. Whether it’s playing with landscapes or objects, the watercolor project has opened the door to endless possibilities.

                I really enjoyed this class, even if the deadlines were confusing and stressful. It’s a nice way to ease into the nitty gritty stuff without going overboard. I’ve learned that art isn’t just drawing or painting, but that it can be a digital drawing or even video that isn’t a feature film. I’ve actually taken an interest in web design now, even though the whole process made me want to pull my hair out, and I'm actually pretty happy with how my website turned out. This class has really broadened my horizons when it comes to art and has opened the door to so many opportunities for the future. It’s really quite excited!

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