Saturday, September 15, 2012

My Own

 The first painting is of Audrey Hepburn and I made it for my Design for Non-art majors class two years ago. The assignment was to do a portrait in complementary colors and the portrait could be of anyone. I chose Audrey Hepburn since she's such an icon, but I didn't want to do a Breakfast at Tiffany's picture like everyone else was choosing. I wanted a picture that showed her class and elegance, not a movie she was in. I decided to use yellow and purple pastels for the complementary colors since they're lighter and more elegant.
The second painting is a collage and paint mixture I made the summer after I graduated high school. I wanted to experiment with paint and this putty-like stuff to add texture so I thought a painting for my room would be a great way to test it out. In this painting I also used complementary colors like in the painting before just to make the colors "pop". The blue makes the yellow, orange, and red really stand out. I used magazine clippings to make the flowers and found the word "Hope" in an article in another magazine.

The third piece is a drawing I made in charcoal and conte crayon. It was part of a series I had to draw for my 2D process class last semester. It's very abstract, like the whole series and it's actually the eye socket to a cow skull. Skulls represent this line between life and death to me. It's like a piece of the dead is still mixed in with the living. It's probably my favorite drawing I did last semester.

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