your art out in the world can sometimes be a problem. People don’t say “starving
artist” for no reason. We’re told from an early age that the art world is an
extremely difficult way to make a living, especially today. Like outer space,
the internet is very vast. It’s a great resource to get my artwork and post
about other artists.
most people hear the word “art”, they usually automatically think of paintings
or drawings done by a guy with a beret and a handlebar moustache. I’m not going
to limit my blog to just paintings or drawings, since that would be pretty
uninspiring. Instead, I’m going to use my blog to post not just drawings or
paintings, but also jewelry, photography, sculpture, and even links to videos. There
are many different forms or types of art out there, so why just restrict myself
and others to just one? This blog will be fun, inspiring, and maybe a little